Earn points and turn them into rewards
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Sign up as a member to start enjoying the loyalty program
Earn Points
Book a Class
Get 25 points
Buy Daycare, Grooming or Private Training Packages
Get 1 point for every $1 spent
Buy a ticket
Get 50 points
Order a plan
Get 1 point for every $1 spent
Sign up to the site
Get 50 points
Redeem Rewards
10% off all events
100 Points = 10% off for all tickets
10% off all Classes
50 Points = 10% off the lowest priced item in cart
$10 Off any daycare or grooming service.
140 Points = $10 off the lowest priced item in cart
$20 off purchases of $150 or more
160 Points = $20 off orders over $150
$30 off Purchases of $200 or more
180 Points = $30 off orders over $200
$40 off Purchases of $250 or more
200 Points = $40 off orders over $250
$50 off Purchases of $300 or more
220 Points = $50 off orders over $300
​Program disclaimers:
Points are earned on online purchases only.
Points can be redeemed online only.
No membership fee or program cost
If a refund is requested on a purchase that used a loyalty discount, the refund policy still applies and no refunds will be given that exceed the paid purchase price of the service or class.